At St Michael's College, Pastoral Care plays an important role in the formation of our students. Our Pastoral Care Framework is aimed at creating a safe and inclusive community. Underpinned by our values of Belonging, Excellence and Love, we strive to, through all our community interactions live out our values.
As a community that fosters care, faith and learning, we are at all times focused on the needs of all members of the College community. Working in partnership with students, parents and carers we endeavour to foster the holistic development and wellbeing of all community members.
Through our Pastoral Care Framework we strive to proactively support students wellbeing, as well as effectively respond to wellbeing concerns as they arise.
Embedded in our pastoral care are the principles of restorative justice and the fostering of right relationships integral to school life for all community members. Along with all families, our students and staff are asked to work daily in relationships founded on mutual respect, tolerance, understanding and forgiveness. We uphold the story and teaching of Jesus Christ as the overarching guide to Pastoral Care within our College community.
Our students have the experience and benefit of both a vertical and horizontal Pastoral Care structure.
Daily, our students engage in Year level based context groups, supported by their connect teacher. During this connect time, students are given the opportunity to develop bonds with fellow students, participate in connection activities and re-center so they are present, centered and ready to learn. Connect Teachers are the first port of call for students should they have any concerns.
Connect teachers are part of a wider year level team, supported by the Head of Engagement for each year level. Heads of Engagement are responsible for developing and implementing effective pastoral practices, monitoring student data and holistically responding to the varying needs of students. By coordinating the efforts of various stakeholders Heads of Engagement ensure that appropriate programs and processes are developed and followed to encourage students to embrace the way of living based on the values of the Gospel and manage student behaviours which are contrary to this.
Connect at St Michael's ensures the development, wellbeing and academic engagement of the students at the relevant year level. By following Colleges Policies & Procedures, Heads of Engagement work holistically with staff, students and families to ensure there are range of proactive initiatives focused on addressing and promoting student Wellbeing, as well as providing support mechanisms for students if they should require it.
Our Year Level Connect classes are also categorised into our four Houses, Oxenham, Mackillop, O'Shea and Shannon, this vertical system forms an important part of our College identity and community spirit. It is also highly visible at our major events including College Carnivals and Foundation Day.
Led by our College Captains and supported by a staff House Mentor, students participate in a range of pastoral activities aimed at promoting togetherness, community and compassion for others.

All students enrolled at St Michael's College are allocated
to one of the four Houses. Our four Houses are:
Dr Owen Oxenham was Parish Priest for Surfers Paradise from
May 1983 to July 1986. He was responsible for the relocation of the St
Vincent's complex in Surfers to the Sacred Heart complete in Clear Island
Waters. Father was a great support in the initial stages of St Michael's
College in early 1984, and was strongly behind the College and College
Administration in the first two years of the life of the school. He died on the
26th of November 1991.
Oxenham's house colour is blue.
St Mary of the Cross MacKillop is an Australian who founded the
Sisters of St Joseph (Josephites) in South Australia in 1866, and brought the
Order to Queensland four years later. She founded schools, an orphanage, a
shelter for single women and homes for the aged. The Josephite Sisters have
been very active in education over the past century and continue to teach in
schools today particularly in regional areas. Mary MacKillop is the first
Australian Saint canonised on October 17th 2010.
MacKillop's house colour is red.
Father Bernard O'Shea was the Director of Catholic
Education for 34 years in the Brisbane Archdiocese. He saw the amazing change
from Catholic Education run by Priests, Brothers and Sisters to new Colleges
such as St Michael's staffed and administered entirely by lay people. He also
saw the change from single sex schools to co-educational schools. Father O'Shea
was instrumental in the preparation and Planning of St Michael's in the early
O'Shea's house colour is yellow.
Father Neal Shannon was the Parish Priest of Surfers Paradise from
1946 for 32 years. He was a holy man who vigorously upheld the virtues and
practices of the true Catholic faith. He is highly regarded by the people of
the Coast. He died in November 1978.
Shannon's house colour is green.
©️ Brisbane Catholic Education, St Michael's College Merrimac (2023).