We offer a range of academic support opportunities to assist
students succeed in their subjects. Not all students are able to keep up to the
work covered in their classes, as they may have been absent due to illness,
excursions or other extenuating circumstances. It is the student’s obligation
to ensure they catch up on the work missed, however the College offers support to assist them in being self directed responsible learners.

The Senior Mentoring Program is a component of each Senior Student's Learning Program at St Michael's College. An individual profile is developed for each student and this is reviewed by mentors and the Learning and Teaching Team to determine where action and support can be implemented to assist the student in achieving excellent learning outcomes.
The program focusses on students in Year 10 to 12 and provides a connection with an assigned mentor for their journey through the senior years, beginning with the SET plan process in Year 10. Mentors meet with their assigned mentees formally at designated times throughout their senior years, however, mentees are encouraged to approach their mentor at anytime should they have concerns about their pathway. The program provides opportunities for students to meet regularly with their mentor to develop personal and social reflection and self-assessment practices, goal setting skills and to discuss pathways and careers education.
The goal of the Senior Mentoring Program is to provide a support for students as they enter the most significant years of their education. Many factors may affect student achievement, including, among many, attendance, academic engagement, behaviour management concerns, future pathway uncertainty and social dynamics. The opportunity for students to discuss these issues, and others, which may impact their educational outcomes provides a support for students.
Mentors work through the structured program with their mentees with the focus on developing reflective student learning practices which are personally reflective, and evidence based. Setting realistic, time bound, and future focussed goals which are measurable and achievable provides the structure for students to feel a sense of achievement and purpose.
Teacher led tutorials are available to all students to gain
assistance with homework and revision of concepts covered in class. There are
regular tutorials provided in Mathematics and are conducted during most lunch
break times. Other subject areas offer tutorials at peak assessment times and
these are advertised in the daily notices delivered during Pastoral at the
beginning of the day.

©️ Brisbane Catholic Education, St Michael's College Merrimac (2024).