St Michael's College provides the opportunity for every student to plan a pathway to enable them to be successful post Year 12. The Careers Centre is located in Student Services and is accessible to all students within the College.

Vocational Education and Training (also known as VET) is education and training that focuses on providing skills for work. Acting as a third party, the College offers training and assessement services on behlaf of Binnacle Training, Smartskill Pty Ltd, Skills Generation and IVET.
We currently offer the following VET qualifications:
Binnacle Training (Registered Training Organisation RTO NO: 31319)
BSB30120 Certificate III in Business
SIS30321 Certificate III in Fitness
SIS20115 Certificate II in Sport and Recreation
Smartskill Pty Ltd (Registered Training Organisation RTO No: 5710)
SIT20316 Certificate II in Hospitality
SIT20322 Certificate II in Hospitality
Skills Generation (RTO NO: 41008)
MEM20413 Certificate II in Engineering Pathways
IVET (RTO No: 40548)
BSB10120 Certificate I in Workplace skills
SIT10222 Certificate I in Hospitality
At St Michael's College we also offer:
- A structured vocational program for selected Year 11/12 students known as the START program School Based Traineeships
- School Based Apprenticeships
- VET Qualifications by external Registered Training Organisations (TAFE, Unity College, Gold Coast Trade College)
- Work Experience -compulsory component of Year 10 course of study
If you are interested in traineeships, apprenticeships, external courses
and/or work experience, please contact:
Mr Wayne Forrest - Head of Future Pathways ph:5525 4053
Listen to our Year 11 and 12 Students who have pursued a VET Pathway:
Hannah McNeilage - studying a Diploma of Nursing

Anthony De Marco - studying to be an Electrician
As a Registered Training Organisation (RTO), St Michael’s
College has agreed to operate within the Standards for Registered Training
Organisations 2015. This includes a commitment to recognise the training
qualifications issued by other Registered Training Organisations.
St. Michael’s College is registered to deliver VET courses
under the direction of the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority
(QCAA) as a delegate for the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA).
All of the VET courses offered by this college can lead to
nationally recognised qualifications – a certificate (if all of the requirements
of the qualification are completed) or a statement of attainment (for those
parts that are successfully completed where the full qualification is not
completed). This certificate/statement of attainment will be recognised in all
eight state/territories in Australia. This is because Australia has a national
qualifications framework called the Vocational Qualifications Framework (VQF).
Certificates gained can lead directly to employment, further study or tertiary
Educational pathway programs are generally two-year courses.
St Michael’s College guarantees that all students will be provided with every
opportunity to complete the certificate courses offered as per the rights and
obligations outlined in the enrolment process and student information
handbooks. Students successfully achieving all qualification requirements will
be provided with a Qualification and a Record of Results. Students who achieve
at least one unit (but not a full qualification) for a certificate will receive
a Statement of Attainment for units successfully achieved.
All reasonable opportunities will be provided to students,
who enter a VET course after the initial start date, to complete the full
certificate. However, this may not be achievable in all cases and students will
be provided with a Statement of Attainment for competencies achieved from their
entry point. Students who exit a certificate course prior to its completion
date will receive a Statement of Attainment for competencies completed at the
date of exit from the course.
All courses offered need to be of a viable class size for
the College to run them. In the event that a VET subject may not run or the
school can no longer deliver a course offered, every effort will be made to
ensure that students may complete their studies through another RTO. In some
cases this may incur costs.
Assessment is competency based. Students must demonstrate
competence on more than one occasion to be deemed competent.
A range of teaching and learning strategies will be used to
deliver competencies. These may include, but are not limited to: practical
tasks, group work, activities in simulated work environments, student
workbooks, observations, oral questioning, work placements and industry
excursions and activities.
Appropriately qualified staff will asses the extent to which
a student is likely to achieve the stated competency standards and outcomes of
the course, based on his/her qualifications and experience.
Many VET courses have compulsory structured work placement
to be undertaken throughout the two-year course. Owing to the nature of
individual industry requirements, work placement may occur during school hours
or may need to be undertaken out of school hours or in school holidays. Please
refer to individual course outlines for work placement requirements.
For more information on Vocational Education and Training, please call Mr Wayne Forrest on ph:5525 4053.
©️ Brisbane Catholic Education, St Michael's College Merrimac (2023).