St Michael's College was one of few Archdiocesan schools to be established with a totally lay staff. Historically, Religious Orders of priests, nuns or brothers established most schools in the Brisbane Archdiocese up to that time. Religious Orders brought with them a charism, that underpinned the life of a school or other organisation, particularly, the Religious Life of a School. Religious Order schools were also typically single gender schools. The decision was made to use the name of an angel (who have no gender) to better encompass students of both genders and St Michael, the Archangel was chosen.
To develop the ongoing charism of the school, a College prayer and song was written, focusing on the Guiding Principles of the College. These guiding principles are inspired by our college patron, St Michael. As patron, Michael the Archangel encourages us in strength, faithfulness, servanthood and justice.
Prayer and worship is integral to the life of all Catholic schools and nourishes the spiritual growth of all members of the school community by nurturing our relationship in faith with God, ourselves and with one another. Students at St Michael's College experience a variety of prayers in the Catholic faith and broader Christian tradition.
St Michael's College creates a 'Sense of the Sacred' by:
- Providing opportunities to gather as a community in prayer and worship
- Encouraging the community to participate in prayer experiences
- Endeavouring to foster a sense of pride in the school environment, to respond to our call to stewardship and to develop a social environment in which all members of the community are valued.

©️ Brisbane Catholic Education, St Michael's College Merrimac (2023).